The Way To Yahuweh
I am Yahuweh – That is My Name
Isaiah 42:8


Archive for June, 2008


June 14th, 2008

Revision of 2 Yahuchanon has been completed. Please find the links to the webpage and PDF below 🙂

2 Yahuchanon Webpage / 2 Yahuchanon PDF


June 13th, 2008

The First letter of the Aposlte Shim'own Petros (aka (incorrectly): Simon Peter) has been translated and uploaded onto the website. I will hopefully be doing a quick revision of 2 Yahuchanon over the weekend, and then I will make a start on translating the eye-witness account of Marcus (Mark), which will hopefully aid me as I do my revision of the eye-witness account of MattithYah (Matthew) at the same time. So this will probably be the last update for a while, as, well, the eye-witness accounts are quite big.

Find the links to the translation of 1 Petros below 🙂

1 Petros Webpage / 1 Petros PDF