The Way To Yahuweh
I am Yahuweh – That is My Name
Isaiah 42:8


Archive for August, 2008


August 31st, 2008

Chapters 1 – 6 of the revision of MattithYah have been uploaded in HTML form onto the website. However, there won't be a PDF until the entire revision of MattithYah has been completed.

MattithYah Webpage


August 9th, 2008

Another day – another translation. I've finally finished checking through the eye-witness account of Marcus and adding the required notes to it, but for now it is only available in PDF format – HTML/website format will be completed within the next few days or so 🙂

Marcus PDF

(Edit as of September 28th, 2011: Please see the new downloads page for the PDF link above)


August 8th, 2008

Just a quick update to say that whilst I have now technically finished the translation of the eye-witness account of Marcus/Mark, I still have the right hand side notes to do, and then the longish process to get it all ready for the website, so it could be anytime within the next week or so when it is fully up on this website. The PDF will be up sooner than that though, so it will be ready to download/print, but not ready to be read online for, as already stated, anytime within the next week or so

Basically: Watch This Space!