The Way To Yahuweh
I am Yahuweh – That is My Name
Isaiah 42:8


Archive for September, 2008


September 28th, 2008

Two updates within the space of a week?! You must be feeling special! I have completed the translation of 1 Thessalonians and have uploaded both the webpage and the PDF for it onto the website. I will now start finishing off the last 14 chapters of the Revision of MattithYah. After that I will be translating 1 Corinthians and then 2 Petros, which should hopefully mean that I’ll have completed 21 out of 27 books by the end of November!

I’d better get cracking then eh?

1 Thessalonians Webpage / 1 Thessalonians PDF


September 23rd, 2008

It may have only taken me three days to do it, but the whole of the 1st Letter of Yahuchanon has been translated, edited, and uploaded onto the website in both HTML and PDF form. Click on one of the links below to go to your preferred method of view!

1 Yahuchanon Webpage / 1 Yahuchanon PDF


September 21st, 2008

Chapters 7 – 14 of the revision of MattithYah have been uploaded in HTML form onto the website. This therefore marks the end of the revision of MattithYah for the time being, whilst I continue the translation of some of the other books. After they have been done, then I will finish the revision of MattithYah. This also means that the previous version of chapters 15 – 28 won’t be available on the website.

Please follow the link to the revision below!

MattithYah Webpage