Update! Yahuchanon Chapter 17
Just a quick update to notify the fact that Yahuchanon Chapter 17 has been translated and uploaded onto the website. Please find the links below! 🙂
Webpage | PDF
Just a quick update to notify the fact that Yahuchanon Chapter 17 has been translated and uploaded onto the website. Please find the links below! 🙂
Webpage | PDF
A group update on The Way to Yahuweh today: 7 new Ancient Papyrus transcriptions and translations.
The following have been added (clicking on them will download the PDF file automatically)
P12: Hebrews 1:1
P17: Hebrews 9:12-19
P18: Revelation 1:4-7
P110: MattithYah 10:13-15, 25-27
P111: Lucus 17:11-13, 22-23
P114: Hebrews 1:7-12
P. Antinoopolis 2.54: MattithYah 6:10-12
Enjoy! 🙂
A double-update for everyone today. Chapter 16 of Yahuchanon’s eye-witness account is up in online and PDF form, and I have also done the transcription and translation for Uncial 0189 – the oldest piece of parchment we have to contain verses from the Renewed Covenant writings 🙂
Give the links below a click to download the PDF!
Another new implementation on The Way to Yahuweh – TWTY Newsletter!
Signing up to the newsletter/mailing list means you’ll get instant notification of new updates on the Way to Yahuweh, rather than having to check back here every day, therefore saving you some time 🙂
So find the link to the newsletter by clicking the link below Contact Me above, or to the right on the side bar, or below this line 🙂
Continuing on with the addition of the new section to TWTY yesterday, I have now done the same thing for Uncial 0162, which you can now find online in downloadable PDF form 🙂
It should be noted that the only place on the planet to get both a transcription and a translation of Uncial 0162 and Papyrus 1 is right here, on TWTY. You won’t find a translation of them anywhere else on the web, nor in print. And certainly not for free. You’ll find a transcription of their text, but not a translation, so this is another first for TWTY 🙂
Just finished adding a new section to The Way to Yahuweh website: Ancient Papyrus Transcriptions.
In this section I will be putting up transcriptions and direct word translations of all the Pre-Constantinian manuscripts. For an explanation of what I mean, see the Ancient Papyrus Transcription’s main page.
Only got Papyrus 1 up at the moment in PDF form, but I will continue to add more transcriptions over the coming months/years 🙂
Double chapter update for you all today: Chapters 14 & 15 of Yahuchanon’s eye-witness account have been translated and uploaded onto the website in Webpage and PDF form.
Enjoy! 🙂
Webpage | PDF
Two updates in one day? And two full chapters of Yahuchanon at that!
Please find Chapter 13 of Yahuchanon’s Eye witness account of the life of Yahushua online, and also available as a downloadable PDF 🙂
Webpage | PDF
What is this, an update to Yahuchanon a mere three days since the last one?!?
Oh yes, it most certainly is. In less than 3 days, I managed to translate the 50 verses of Yahuchanon Chapter 12, merge the Chapter into the PDF, and make it available on web for all you lovely people.
Things are most certainly, picking up 😀
Webpage | PDF
Another update to the translation of Yahuchanon, which has just been updated to include Chapter 11! I am now over half way through the book, so with 10 more chapters to go, there may be a slight chance I’ll have it all done by January of next year!
Well, we can all dream can’t we 🙂
Webpage | PDF