April 23rd, 2011
As its Festival season for those of us who follow Yahuweh’s instructions outlined in the Torah, I’ve posted a new blog regarding how we determine the dates of the feasts with regards to the Hebrew calendar.
Please click here to read it, and please go here to discuss it in the TWTY forum 🙂
April 23rd, 2011
Passover, Unleavened bread, Firstfruits, and Weeks
One of the stickiest subjects regarding the Festivals/Feasts of Yahuweh (Passover/Pesach, Unleavened Bread/Matstsah, Firstfruits/Re’shiyth, Weeks/Pentecost/Shabuwa’, Trumpets/Taruw`ah, Reconciliations/Kippuryim, Tabernacles/Sukkah) is when exactly to date them, with regards to both the Hebrew calendar, and our Gregorian calendar.
As with all things it’s probably best to let Yahuweh tell us how this all pans out, so as to make an informed decision.
When it comes to Passover/Pesach, the dating is quite easy. Yahuweh tell us in Leviticus 23:4‑5: These are the appointed feasts of Yahweh, the Set-Apart (qodesh) Assemblies (migra’ (although as this is in its plural form, this is pronounced mirqra’ay)), which you shall proclaim at the time appointed for them. In the first month, on the fourteenth [day] of the month at twilight, is Yahweh’s Passover.
April 18th, 2011
Some people will have noticed over the past couple of weeks that I’ve been uploading lots of new Greek Basis versions to the website.
I have now completed 21/27 books of the Renewed Covenant, with only the largest ones (MattithYah, Marcus, Lucus, Acts, Yahuchanon, & Revelation) left to do, which I shall be getting on with very soon 🙂
1 Corinthians Greek Basis
2 Corinthians Greek Basis
1 Timotheos
2 Timotheos