June 21st, 2011
My apologies for the downtime that TWTY suffered this weekend.
Unfortunately, someone was engaged in a DDoS attack on the British server that the website is hosted on, so every website on this server was affected. Thankfully they appear to have sorted out the problem, and we are now back up and running 🙂
Sorry if people have been trying to access anything on TWTY – this is just one of the annoyances of the internet age!
June 12th, 2011
Just a quick message to wish everyone a happy Feast of Pentecost / Shabuwa’ / Weeks / Shabats / Sabbaths 🙂
I would suggest reading the following passages from Scripture regarding what today’s day is all about:
Leviticus 23:15-22.
Deuteronomy 16:9-11.
Acts 2:1-41.
June 5th, 2011
Another week, more uploads of Ancient Papyrus Transcriptions and translations. Powering on through them at the moment 🙂
The new ones this week were the following: Uncial 0171, Uncial 0220, P87, P80, P77, P69, P67, P52, and P23.
Please click here to go to the Ancient Papyrus webpage.
And as mentioned last week, this webpage is also accessible via either the sidebar to the right, or the drop down menu under Translation above 🙂