The Way To Yahuweh
I am Yahuweh – That is My Name
Isaiah 42:8

Update! New Ancient Papyrus Transcription

Posts Tagged ‘greek’

Update! New Ancient Papyrus Transcription

April 4th, 2018

Yup, it’s that time again!

I’m pleased to finally upload the completed transcription and translation of Papyrus (P) 45, a rather large codex containing text from MattithYah (Matthew), Marcus (Mark), Lucus (Luke), Yahuchanon (John), and Acts!

Please find it under the Ancient Papyrus section on the Downloads page 🙂

In the next few weeks or so, I should have a new blog post discussing the identification of a fragment from one of the largest Dead Sea Scrolls discovered (4QSama).

So as always, watch this space! 🙂

Update! Transcription of P72 & More

October 9th, 2017

Another Ancient Manuscript Transcription update: this time it’s 𝔓72, containing the letters designated 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude!

I’ve also gone through the rest of the uploaded ancient MS transcripts, and brought them up to date with the format of current ones, and also amended some errors in transcription and the accompanying English translations.

As usual, find general info regarding the transcripts here, and download them all from here 🙂

Revelation: Greek-English Interlinear

November 27th, 2011

New update for TWTY today: A Greek-English Interlinear of the Greek Basis of the translation of the Book of Revelation in PDF form, all 96 pages of it 🙂

Please remember that a Greek-English Interlinear is NOT a translation, so it should not be used as such. Interlinears should only be used for looking up what a word means by itself, not necessarily how it is used in the context of the sentence that it is in 🙂

The Way to Yahuweh PDF downloads page: Greek-English Interlinears

Section Complete: Greek Basis

October 29th, 2011

Something else I can cross off my to-do list.

I’ve finally completed the Greek Basis pages/pdf files for MattithYah (Matthew), Lucus (Luke) and Acts, therefore completing them all! This therefore means I have all the underlying Greek words for people to look at so they can check the translation seen here on TWTY. Consequently, I now also have the ability to make Greek-English Interlinear’s for all of the books as well 🙂

As usual, any and all PDF’s on TWTY can be downloads from the Downloads page, and quicklinks to the online webpages are on the sidebar to the right 🙂

MattithYah/Matthew Greek Basis
Lucus/Luke Greek Basis
Acts Greek Basis

Success! Smallest Papyri Complete

July 3rd, 2011

I just finished uploading the final “small” Ancient Greek Papyrus of the Renewed Covenant/New Testament writings. All 62 of them are available to download from the Ancient Papyrus webpage 🙂

I still have the “larger” ones to do (100+ pages for most of them): P4, P5, P13, P40, P45, P46, P47, P66, P72, P75, and P115.

But as I said before, I’m now going to be concentrating on looking at the manuscripts found among the caves of Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls), so check back here soon for some stuff regarding them 🙂

Update! More Ancient Papyrus Transcriptions

June 5th, 2011

Another week, more uploads of Ancient Papyrus Transcriptions and translations. Powering on through them at the moment 🙂

The new ones this week were the following: Uncial 0171, Uncial 0220, P87, P80, P77, P69, P67, P52, and P23.

Please click here to go to the Ancient Papyrus webpage.

And as mentioned last week, this webpage is also accessible via either the sidebar to the right, or the drop down menu under Translation above 🙂

Update! Ancient Papyrus Transcripts & Translations

May 29th, 2011

I just finished uploading the 27th Ancient Papyrus transcription and translation onto the website.

The new ones this week were as follows:

P9, P35, P39, P78, P91, P95, P98, P101, P102, P103, P104, P106, P107, P108, P109, & P113.

Please click here to go to the Ancient Papyrus webpage.

This webpage is also accessible via either the sidebar to the right, or the drop down menu under Translation above 🙂

Update! Greek Basis and Papyrus 64 Transcription

May 23rd, 2011

Bit of an early morning (well, for my time zone anyway) update to TWTY: The Greek Basis of the book of Yahuchanon, and a Transcription and Translation of Papyrus 64 (probably the oldest manuscript to contain text from the eyewitness account of MattithYah/Matthew – in this case the text of Matt 26:7-33).

This means I only have three more Greek Basis to complete: MattithYah, Lucus, and Acts. But as it happens, I’m very much in the mood for doing some more transcriptions and translations of all the oldest known Greek manuscripts of the Renewed Covenant books, so I shall be putting the Greek Basis on hold for the time being. Or knowing me, I’ll probably end up doing it in stages and letting you know when I’ve completed them all fully 🙂

Greek Yahuchanon Webpage | PDF
Papyrus 64 Transcription/Transalation PDF

Edit: For the above, please refer to the Downloads Page.

Update! Greek Basis

April 18th, 2011

Some people will have noticed over the past couple of weeks that I’ve been uploading lots of new Greek Basis versions to the website.

I have now completed 21/27 books of the Renewed Covenant, with only the largest ones (MattithYah, Marcus, Lucus, Acts, Yahuchanon, & Revelation) left to do, which I shall be getting on with very soon 🙂

1 Corinthians Greek Basis
2 Corinthians Greek Basis
1 Timotheos
2 Timotheos