The Way To Yahuweh
I am Yahuweh – That is My Name
Isaiah 42:8

Downtime & Update

Posts Tagged ‘messiahs words’

Downtime & Update

July 4th, 2012

First of all, my apologies for the downtime. Unfortunately, TWTY website was compromised by some malicious software, which effectively caused me to have to change webservers, and to also rebuild the website.

Thankfully, I had backups of practically everything, so now the site should be restored in full.

My apologies also to those who’ve had difficulty with the links in the Downloads page. They should now be back to full working order 🙂

I used this opportunity to change the address that the Forums were on ( is now, and to also revamp the forums with a new look 🙂

Coincidentally, the downtime coincided with a new update that I was going to post up on TWTY, which I am now doing: Questioning Paul Review Part 2: The Eyewitness Accounts/The Messiah’s Words.

There will also be open discussion on this in the forum in the following thread: Forum Discussion.

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