February 21st, 2024
Been quite a while since I posted a new transcription of an ancient papyrus (or well, posted at all tbh!), so I won’t dilly-dally too much here.
Papyrus 47, also officially known as Papyrus Chester Beatty III, is one of the oldest and largest papyrus codices to contain text from the Book of Revelation chapters 9-17. There are in fact only five other papyrus manuscripts to contain text from the Book of Revelation dated before 300 CE. Four of these contain text only from one or two chapters, or as in the case of Papyrus 115 are very, very fragmented (these five are all available from the Downloads page).
Papyrus Chester Beatty III is therefore in a league of its own, being a near complete collection of ten leaves (20 pages). They contain the bulk of the middle section of Revelation. It does unfortunately lack chapters 1-8 and anything from 17:3 to the end of chapter 22, though for something that was likely found in a pot buried in someone’s grave that’s quite the miracle.
Transcription of the manuscript along with the usual very-woodenly-literal translation can be found via the Downloads page or by clicking this direct link for the PDF.
Any issues with the PDF, please use the contact form to let me know.
October 9th, 2017
Another Ancient Manuscript Transcription update: this time it’s 𝔓72, containing the letters designated 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude!
I’ve also gone through the rest of the uploaded ancient MS transcripts, and brought them up to date with the format of current ones, and also amended some errors in transcription and the accompanying English translations.
As usual, find general info regarding the transcripts here, and download them all from here 🙂
April 18th, 2016
Firstly – Happy New Year!
It’s been over a year since I last posted about things new on TWTY.
Unfortunately lots of IRL stuff got in the way of things this past year, and still ongoing (found out I had cataracts on my eyes last year: my right eye has been operated on; my left will be done at the end of April. Needless to say, not being able to see properly makes what I’ve been doing the past decade quite difficult!), but I hope this comes to its conclusion soon. 🙂
Nevertheless, I have been using as much of my spare time as possible to continue doing things, and so here we are!
Essentially, I have done so many corrections to existing things on TWTY, that unless you’ve downloaded everything in the past 4 hours, then everything you currently have is out of date – this applies to the translations, ancient manuscripts, and especially any and all Dead Sea Scrolls! I lost track of which ones got updates, so I can’t provide a list, so if there’s any you’ve been looking at recently, I’d start with re-downloading that and taking a look through. May find a few things I have corrected since. 🙂
That’s the already existing files out of the way – now for what’s going on “new stuff” wise!
There are three new DSS Manuscripts online now – X Joshua, X Judges, and F.Amos 1, all available at the usual place on the Downloads Page.
There’s also been a new section added on the downloads page – a TC Edition, with TC standing for Textual-Critical. These are the combined manuscripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls in order to form a full “Qumran Bible” of sorts, with any differences between the manuscripts noted in footnotes, with the reading of the Masoretic Hebrew, Greek Septuagint, and for the Torah, the Samaritan Pentateuch in the same variant.
Obviously I haven’t repeated the differences between the DSS and these other manuscripts in these TC Editions, as I’ve already done that in the main Dead Sea Scrolls transcriptions. I’ve been updating this new section over the past year, and have only got four books left to do (Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Psalms, and Isaiah). I hope to have these done by the end of the year, but as always, this is liable to change. 🙂
Next up is a new TWTY E-sword module, containing the Version 1 Translation of the RC/NT found here on TWTY. Well I say that, I still have yet to finish adding Luke, John, and Acts to the Module, but all the rest of the books are contained within.
If you don’t know what E-Sword is, pop on over to the E-Sword website and take a look. Along with TWTY module is the Module installer programme, to allow you to easily install TWTY E-sword module into E-Sword without much bother.
As I was going through the translations whilst creating this module, it allowed me to do some updates to the translations, which have all been added to the E-Sword module, the Website, and the PDF’s of the translations.
Download all the Version 1 PDF’s and the E-Sword module here.
Yet another update comes to you via a visitor to TWTY, who is very kindly converting the Dead Sea Scrolls files into BibleWorks database files. With their permission I am putting them up on TWTY for others to download and use with their version of BibleWorks. Currently have the Genesis Manuscripts and the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa) complete. I will post updates periodically when new files are added. Get the files (including instructions on how to import them to your BibleWorks) here.
Finally, we have a small addition to TWTY, and that is an XML version of the Dead Sea Scrolls manuscripts. XML has so many amazing uses I wouldn’t be able to list them all, but if you know what XML is, then you’ll enjoy this update. Only the one ready at the moment, but as always, I shall add others when I’ve done them. 🙂 4Q82g Habakkuk XML.
Phew! That’s it – all things updated/new have been submitted for your pleasure!
As with everything, feel at liberty to use any and all things on TWTY freely and without constraints, and ANY issues you find, don’t hesitate to contact me using either the Contact page, or by posting on the forums 🙂
The E-Sword and BibleWorks Modules should be able to be downloaded now. Apologies for the error with that!
November 27th, 2011
New update for TWTY today: A Greek-English Interlinear of the Greek Basis of the translation of the Book of Revelation in PDF form, all 96 pages of it 🙂
Please remember that a Greek-English Interlinear is NOT a translation, so it should not be used as such. Interlinears should only be used for looking up what a word means by itself, not necessarily how it is used in the context of the sentence that it is in 🙂
The Way to Yahuweh PDF downloads page: Greek-English Interlinears
October 29th, 2011
Something else I can cross off my to-do list.
I’ve finally completed the Greek Basis pages/pdf files for MattithYah (Matthew), Lucus (Luke) and Acts, therefore completing them all! This therefore means I have all the underlying Greek words for people to look at so they can check the translation seen here on TWTY. Consequently, I now also have the ability to make Greek-English Interlinear’s for all of the books as well 🙂
As usual, any and all PDF’s on TWTY can be downloads from the Downloads page, and quicklinks to the online webpages are on the sidebar to the right 🙂
MattithYah/Matthew Greek Basis
Lucus/Luke Greek Basis
Acts Greek Basis
July 3rd, 2011
I just finished uploading the final “small” Ancient Greek Papyrus of the Renewed Covenant/New Testament writings. All 62 of them are available to download from the Ancient Papyrus webpage 🙂
I still have the “larger” ones to do (100+ pages for most of them): P4, P5, P13, P40, P45, P46, P47, P66, P72, P75, and P115.
But as I said before, I’m now going to be concentrating on looking at the manuscripts found among the caves of Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls), so check back here soon for some stuff regarding them 🙂
June 5th, 2011
Another week, more uploads of Ancient Papyrus Transcriptions and translations. Powering on through them at the moment 🙂
The new ones this week were the following: Uncial 0171, Uncial 0220, P87, P80, P77, P69, P67, P52, and P23.
Please click here to go to the Ancient Papyrus webpage.
And as mentioned last week, this webpage is also accessible via either the sidebar to the right, or the drop down menu under Translation above 🙂
May 23rd, 2011
Bit of an early morning (well, for my time zone anyway) update to TWTY: The Greek Basis of the book of Yahuchanon, and a Transcription and Translation of Papyrus 64 (probably the oldest manuscript to contain text from the eyewitness account of MattithYah/Matthew – in this case the text of Matt 26:7-33).
This means I only have three more Greek Basis to complete: MattithYah, Lucus, and Acts. But as it happens, I’m very much in the mood for doing some more transcriptions and translations of all the oldest known Greek manuscripts of the Renewed Covenant books, so I shall be putting the Greek Basis on hold for the time being. Or knowing me, I’ll probably end up doing it in stages and letting you know when I’ve completed them all fully 🙂
Greek Yahuchanon Webpage | PDF
Papyrus 64 Transcription/Transalation PDF
Edit: For the above, please refer to the Downloads Page.
April 18th, 2011
Some people will have noticed over the past couple of weeks that I’ve been uploading lots of new Greek Basis versions to the website.
I have now completed 21/27 books of the Renewed Covenant, with only the largest ones (MattithYah, Marcus, Lucus, Acts, Yahuchanon, & Revelation) left to do, which I shall be getting on with very soon 🙂
1 Corinthians Greek Basis
2 Corinthians Greek Basis
1 Timotheos
2 Timotheos
February 15th, 2011
Well, even though I had technically finished translating all of the books of the Renewed Covenant, I had yet to release an updated version of The Letter to the Galatians. (Don’t forget to also have a read of The Great Galatians Debate.)
I’ve rectified that, and now all 27 books have been completed, uploaded onto the website in webpage and PDF form, as well as in a combined RAR file 🙂
Oh, I’ve also released a Version 2 of the Book of Yahuwdah, and corrected a few spelling/grammatical errors here and there in the translations 🙂
(Now, I will actually have a bit of a break! ..or probably not. Still a lot to do!)