The Way To Yahuweh
I am Yahuweh – That is My Name
Isaiah 42:8

Update! New DSS Manuscript + Blog Post

Posts Tagged ‘wadi murabbat’

Update! New DSS Manuscript + Blog Post

March 13th, 2018

To coincide with the release of a previously unreleased Dead Sea Scrolls manuscript (named MurIsa – see the Downloads Page), I have also done a Blog post explaining the transcription process, plus a few other tidbits about the Dead Sea Scrolls.

This is actually my first blog post in over 7 (!) years; I plan on doing quite a few more this year, as there is quite a lot to say about things concerning the Dead Sea Scrolls, Scripture, and anything and everything in between 🙂

Keep an eye out for further Blog posts in the near future 🙂