July 3rd, 2011
I just finished uploading the final “small” Ancient Greek Papyrus of the Renewed Covenant/New Testament writings. All 62 of them are available to download from the Ancient Papyrus webpage 🙂
I still have the “larger” ones to do (100+ pages for most of them): P4, P5, P13, P40, P45, P46, P47, P66, P72, P75, and P115.
But as I said before, I’m now going to be concentrating on looking at the manuscripts found among the caves of Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls), so check back here soon for some stuff regarding them 🙂
April 18th, 2011
Some people will have noticed over the past couple of weeks that I’ve been uploading lots of new Greek Basis versions to the website.
I have now completed 21/27 books of the Renewed Covenant, with only the largest ones (MattithYah, Marcus, Lucus, Acts, Yahuchanon, & Revelation) left to do, which I shall be getting on with very soon 🙂
1 Corinthians Greek Basis
2 Corinthians Greek Basis
1 Timotheos
2 Timotheos
February 15th, 2011
Well, even though I had technically finished translating all of the books of the Renewed Covenant, I had yet to release an updated version of The Letter to the Galatians. (Don’t forget to also have a read of The Great Galatians Debate.)
I’ve rectified that, and now all 27 books have been completed, uploaded onto the website in webpage and PDF form, as well as in a combined RAR file 🙂
Oh, I’ve also released a Version 2 of the Book of Yahuwdah, and corrected a few spelling/grammatical errors here and there in the translations 🙂
(Now, I will actually have a bit of a break! ..or probably not. Still a lot to do!)
January 31st, 2011
About four years and two & a half months ago, I embarked on a mission: to do a fully Amplified English Translation of all the books contained in what I would come to know as “The Renewed Covenant” (rather than “New Testament”). Not knowing really how long it would take, I told someone “I’ll be finished by February”. Thankfully, I didn’t state what year, because then that really was a completely daft thing to say.
Anyway, I kept true to my words: I did finish “by February”… February 2011.
That’s right folks – I’ve finished! I’m done! I’ve finally completed the mission upon which I embarked with this, the publication of the translation of 2 Timotheos, both on the website, and in PDF form 😀 😀 😀 😀
A tiny, tiny word of warning: the translations in their entirety come to almost 815,000 words, so, please don’t think you’ll be able to read them all in one sitting, unless, of course, you can read at 565.972 words per minute, and can stay awake for 24 hours 🙂
Now, I think I deserve a bit of a break, wouldn’t you agree?
Webpage | PDF | All Translations In One File
January 21st, 2011
Just a quick update to notify everyone that the translation of 1 Timotheos is now up on the website, as well as the PDF file of the translation 🙂
Only one more book to go! 😮
Webpage | PDF
December 25th, 2010
In rather odd irony, I have a little gift for everyone today: The Complete and fully amplified translation of the Book of Yahuchanon, in both Webpage and PDF format.
And to top it all off, whilst “knowledge” of a “public forum” on TWTY was unfortunately leaked several months ago, without actually knowing the web-address, no one could access it.
Today, that changed. Please feel free to join the forum 🙂
Yahuchanon Translation: Webpage | PDF
Public Forum
December 19th, 2010
A *little* slack in releasing an update, but as it happens my real life job has taken up a lot of my time. Thankfully, I’ve been able to find time to translate not one, but two chapters of Yahuchanon and put them on the website!
This therefore means that I only have two chapters to go, and looking at the state of the weather in England this week (I’m currently in a place where we have 7 inches worth of snow), I won’t be going anywhere, so I should be able to *hopefully* have the final two chapters done by the end of the week!
We shall see, shan’t we? 🙂
Webpage | PDF