The Way To Yahuweh
I am Yahuweh – That is My Name
Isaiah 42:8

New Podcast: Godcast

Posts Tagged ‘yahushua discusson’

New Podcast: Godcast

August 5th, 2013

So, what could an atheist and a theist do that would be entertaining yet educational, and not end up being a hand-bag fight? Talk about religion, obviously!

Well, not really. Here’s an excerpt from the “about” page:

Welcome to our podcast companion website. My name is Andrew, and although I am an atheist, I understand the importance of the Bible, not only as a religious document, but as a force for cultural and political change. I have no doubt that reading the Bible will do nothing to change my views about God and religion, but remaining ignorant of its contents will gain me nothing. After deciding to take a stab at the most influential book in history, I realized that there are not many good guides that are aimed at non-believers like myself. Most Bible study material is made by Christians and for Christians, with a particular theological purpose in mind. I decided to read the Bible myself, with the aid of a long time acquaintance who has spent nearly a decade learning Hebrew and Greek so that he could do his own translations, and discover what God really had to say.

So, there you go. We currently have 5 episodes up at the moment: they’re not going to be “weekly” updates; mainly “do a show whenever we’re free” kinda things. So if you have any questions/comments/ideas/want to be on a show, let us know!

Godcast Website
Godcast YouTube Page
godcastbible -at –

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5