The Way To Yahuweh
I am Yahuweh – That is My Name
Isaiah 42:8

Update! 7 Papyri Transcriptions

November 27th, 2010

A group update on The Way to Yahuweh today: 7 new Ancient Papyrus transcriptions and translations.

The following have been added (clicking on them will download the PDF file automatically)

P12: Hebrews 1:1
P17: Hebrews 9:12-19
P18: Revelation 1:4-7
P110: MattithYah 10:13-15, 25-27
P111: Lucus 17:11-13, 22-23
P114: Hebrews 1:7-12
P. Antinoopolis 2.54: MattithYah 6:10-12

Enjoy! 🙂

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