Initial Notes
(Updated: January 13, 2021)
This page contains the following:
Manuscript transcriptions, Parallel versions of the Manuscripts, Textual Critical Editions of the Scriptural DSS and (hopefully) translations of the text as found among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, Naḥal Ḥever and Wadi Murabba’at. There are, as of yet, no transcriptions of any of the sectarian or non-Scriptural DSS.
For easier access to all the PDF’s on this page, please go to the downloads page 🙂
Transcription Key:
Blue Brackets – The text contained within these brackets is subjective, as it isn’t contained in the text due to the fragmentary nature of some of the scroll.
Green Letters – This is the colour of the text within the blue brackets, so the above applies to this as well. That is, these letters are supplied for readability, not extant within the manuscript itself.
Red Superscript Numbers – These are the verse numbers, which aren’t actually part of the text, but added for easy searching.
Comparison Key:
Blue Brackets – The text contained within these brackets is subjective, as it isn’t contained in the text due to the fragmentary nature of some of the scroll.
Green Letters – This is the colour of the text within the blue brackets, so the above applies to this as well. That is, these letters are supplied for readability, not extant within the manuscript itself.
Text in Purple stars (*): This is where the Dead Sea Scrolls have different text, but in the same place as the received Hebrew/Greek Texts of today. They will also note when the end of word forms of the Hebrew letters Mem (ם), Nun (ן), Tsade (ץ), Pey (ף), and Kaph (ך) are in their normal forms (כ פ צ נ מ respectfully – this usually happens when the DSS have the full (plene) spelling of Hebrew words, compared to the defective spelling in the Masoretic).
Text in Grey minus signs (-): These are omitted words/letters in the Dead Sea Scrolls compared to the received Hebrew/Greek Texts of today.
Text in Red plus signs (+): These are added words/letters in the Dead Sea Scrolls compared to the received Hebrew/Greek Texts of today.
Please see the Downloads Page and click on the Dead Sea Scrolls link to download all the current Dead Sea Scrolls transcriptions to date.
All Dead Sea Scrolls Scriptural Manuscripts have now been completed!
Please go to here to download them. Please note the full ZIP package containing all the manuscripts at the end of lists of individual ones.
Dead Sea Scrolls: Parallel Manuscripts
All Parallel versions of the Dead Sea Scrolls manuscripts have now been completed!
Please go to here to download them.
Complete Textual Critical Editions
All Textual Critical Editions of the Dead Sea Scrolls manuscripts have now been completed!
Please go to here to download them
Bibleworks DSS TC Module
For those with the Bible Software Bibleworks, you’ll be pleased to know that one of the readers of TWTY has turned the TC Edition (see above) into a usable module for the software! Please see the bottom of the TC Edition downloads section here.