- Preface
- Version 1
- Version 2
- Version 3
- Parallel Versions
- Parallel with KJV
- Greek
2nd Letter of the Delegate Yahuchanon
1 - 3
The old man who is an elder to the chosen and summoned, invited, selected and elected Kuria*, and to her offspring and children, those whom I dearly love and welcome, entertain and look fondly upon, cherish with strong affection and highly esteem with great favour, goodwill and benevolence, am loyal to and greatly adore in the reality and disclosure, expression and certainty, uprightness and dependability, genuineness and reliability, sincerity and honesty of the truth, and not merely I alone, by myself, but nevertheless, notwithstanding and on the contrary, all those, individually and collectively, that know and understand, recognise and respect, perceive and observe, comprehend and appreciate the reality and disclosure, expression and certainty, uprightness and dependability, genuineness and reliability, sincerity and honesty of the truth, through the means of and on the grounds of, on account of and for the reason of, on the basis of and because of the reality and disclosure, expression and certainty, uprightness and dependability, genuineness and reliability, sincerity and honesty of the truth that remains and abides, endures and lives on, lasts and persists, stays and continues on in, by and with us, and never perishes, and it shall be and exist together with us for and on behalf of eternity, for the unbroken age and the perpetuity of time: Favour and joy, delight and kindness, favour and charm, sweetness and pleasure, merciful and loving kindness, mercy and compassion, pity, sympathy and kindness, peace and tranquillity, harmony and concord, security and safety, prosperity and freedom, exemption from chaos, felicity and the assurance of salvation from God* the Father* and from Yahushua* the Anointed Messiah*, the Son* of the Father*, will be and exist together with us in, by and the reality and disclosure, expression and certainty, uprightness and dependability, genuineness and reliability, sincerity and honesty of the truth, and in brotherly love and affection, good-will, esteem and benevolence.
Beware Of Imposters
4 - 11
I was extremely glad and cheerful, merry and joyful, rejoicing exceedingly and celebrating considerably for concerning this, from out of your children and offspring I found and discovered, observed and recognised, detected and learned about, understood and came to know through enquiry and examination, thought and scrutiny, investigation and perception that they were walking and behaving, living, conducting and regulating their lives, works and actions in by and with reality and disclosure, expression and certainty, uprightness and dependability, genuineness and reliability, sincerity and honesty of the truth, just as and exactly as we received and accepted, took and seized, acquired and collected, grasped and obtained, chose and selected, claimed and procured, apprehended and admitted the charge and precept, injunction and prescribed rule, mandate and order, regulation and commission from the Father*. And now, at this present moment in time, I ask and request, entreat, beseech and inquire of you, Kuria, not as, like or similar to writing, inscribing and recording to you a new and fresh, renewed and unused, unprecedented and uncommon, unknown and remarkable, impressive and superior charge and precept, injunction and prescribed rule, mandate and order, regulation and commission, but nevertheless, not withstanding and on the contrary, a charge and precept, injunction and prescribed rule, mandate and order, regulation and commission that we have had and held, acquired and received, owned and possessed originally and primarily, principally, from the beginning and in the first place, so that and in order that we may dearly love and welcome, entertain and look fondly upon, cherish with strong affection and highly esteem with great favour, goodwill and benevolence, be loyal to and greatly adore one another - and this is and exists as brotherly love and affection, good-will, esteem and benevolence, so that and in order that we may walk and behave, live, conduct and regulate our lives, works and actions according to and with regards to, in relation to and with respect to His charges and precepts, injunctions and prescribed rules, mandates and orders, regulations and commissions: this is and exists as the charge and precept, injunction and prescribed rule, mandate and order, regulation and commission, just as and exactly as you’d heard and perceived, considered, comprehend and understood originally and primarily, principally, from the beginning and in the first place, so that and in order that you may walk and behave, live, conduct and regulate your life, works and actions in, by and with it. Because of this, many numerous and large amounts of deceivers, impostors and corruptors that lead and seduce people to err and make mistakes have arisen and appeared, gone out and come forth, departed, proceeded and have been issued into the world and cosmos, in the midst of the world of man, those who do not publically profess or confess, declare or openly acknowledge, bear witness or state, admit or agree that Yahushua* Messiah* will come, arise and appear in view of the public in, by and with His flesh and mortal body. Such a person as this is and exists as the deceiver, impostor and corruptors that leads and seduces people to err and make mistakes, and also as the Anti-Messiah*. Perceive and examine, mentally discern and observe, discover and understand, consider and contemplate, pay close attention to and notice, direct your attention to and face, be aware of, look and watch out for them, so that and in order that you may not destroy or annihilate, ruin or render useless, deprive or lose the things you have done and performed, accomplished and executed, practised and brought about, undertaken, kept and carried out, constructed and established, but nevertheless, not withstanding and on the contrary, you may receive back and take, collect and acquire, claim and procure, accept and apprehend, obtain and fully recover your full and complete, whole and perfect, abundant and ample wage and payment, recompense reward. All those, individually and collectively, that proceed and go further onwards, go ahead and go too far and do not remain and abide, endure and live on, last and persist, stay, never perish and continue on in, by and with the teaching, regulation and instruction of the Anointed Messiah* do not have or hold, acquire or receive, own or possess God*; he or she who remains and abides, endures and lives on, lasts and persists, stays, never perishes and continues on in, by and with this teaching, regulation and instruction, they have and hold, acquire and receive, own and possess both the Father* and the Son*. If some certain person comes, arises and appears towards you, and doesn’t bring and bear, endure and express, uphold and carry, sustain and establish, produce and apply, convey and utter this teaching, regulation and instruction, do not receive or accept, take or seize, acquire or collect, grasp or obtain, chose or select, claim or procured, apprehended or admit them into your house and home, dwelling and abode, and do not say or teach, maintain or affirm, direct or exhort, advise or point out “Hail and salutations” as a greeting, for the reason that he or she who says or teaches, maintains or affirms, directs or exhorts, advises or points out, “Hail and salutations” as a greeting, shares and partakes in, participates in, belongs to and associates with his evil and troublesome, sorrowful and poor, pitiable and unfit, unattractive and useless, worthless and morally reprehensible, morally corrupt and wicked, annoying and unethical, diseased and blind, perilous and criminal, vicious and malignant, harmful and incompetent, bad and wretched, pernicious and noxious works and businesses, employments and undertakings, acts and deeds, tasks and labours.
Having and holding, acquiring and receiving, owning and possessing many numerous and large amounts of things to write, inscribe and record to you, I purposely planed and intended, lovingly desired and wanted, affectionately willed and wished, deliberately chose, purposely and preferred not to do so through and via paper and ink, but nevertheless, notwithstanding and on the contrary, I hope and expect with confidence and trust that I will come to be and exist, arise and appear towards you for your advantage, to speak and chat mouth to mouth, so that and in order that our joy and gladness, delight, rejoicing and happiness may be completed and fulfilled, perfected and celebrated, executed and carried out, finished and concluded, ratified and satisfied, realised and effected, performed and accomplished.
The child and offspring of your chosen and summoned, invited, selected and elected sister greet and salute, embrace and welcome, pay respect to and wish you well.